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Melee -vs- Magic
Does it bother you when your armor pieces don't match?
EQ Fan-Faire
Buying items from E-Bay
Do you usually smoke cigarettes when you play EQ?
Do you usually drink alcohol when you play EQ?
Upgrading computer hardware for EQ
Upgrading internet connection for EQ
Do you dream about EQ?
Looting Dilemma
Healing Dilemma
Shield Dilemma

Melee -vs- Magic

While about half (53.9%, N=1072) of EQ players enjoy the melee and magic system about equally, the magic system seems to be preferred over the melee system. Players who prefer the melee system in EQ are significantly younger (F[2,1072]=6.43, p=.001) than players who enjoy both (Tukey HSD, Mmelee=23.7, Mboth=26.3, p<.001).

Does it bother you when your armor pieces don't match?

Slightly more than half of EQ players (53.1%, N=1092) are bothered when their armor pieces don't match.

Female players are significantly more likely than male players to be bothered by armor pieces that don't match (T[1081]=-2.03, Mmale(919)=3.23, Mfemale(164)=3.44, p=.04).


Players who score in the top quartile of Neuroticism are significantly more likely to be bothered by non-matching armor pieces than those players in the bottom quartile (T[418]=-2.97, Mbottom(207)=3.00, Mtop(213)=3.34, p=.003). Players who score in the bottom quartile of Conscientiousness are significantly more likely to be bothered by non-matching armor pieces than those players in the top quartile (T[421]=3.21, Mbottom(206)=3.44, Mtop(217)=3.05, p=.001). We see the same kind of significant difference in Agreeableness (T[406]=-2.97, Mbottom(185)=3.40, Mtop(223)=3.10, p=.02).

EQ Fan-Faire

About 2.6% (N=2459) of EQ players have gone to EQ Fan-Faires. Female players are significantly more likely than male players to go to Fan-Faires (%male(2069)=2.1, %female(365)=5.5, p<.001). Players who have gone to Fan-Faires are significantly older than players who have never gone to Fan-Faires (T[2423]=-3.99, Myes(63)=29.1, Mno(2362)=25.0, p<.001).

Buying items from E-Bay

About 9.7% (N=2461) of EQ players have bought EQ items from E-Bay. Male players are significantly more likely than female players to have bought items from E-Bay (%male(2071)=10.7, %female(365)=6.6%, p=.01). Players who have bought items from E-Bay are significantly older than those who have never bought items from E-Bay (T[2425]=-4.54, Myes(245)=27.4, Mno(2182)=24.8, p<.001).

Do you usually smoke cigarettes when you play EQ?

About one-fifth of EQ players smoke cigarettes when they play EQ. Female players are significantly more likely than male players to smoke cigarettes when playing EQ (%male(868)=18.0, %female(133)=30.8, p<.001).

Players who usually smoke while playing EQ are significantly older than players who don't usually smoke when playing EQ (T[994]=2.63, Myes(197)=27.4, Mno(799)=25.7, p=.009).

Do you usually drink alcohol when you play EQ?

About 8.8% (N=1005) of EQ players usually drink alcohol when they play EQ. There are no significant age or gender differences.

Upgrading computer hardware for EQ

Almost half (46.6%, N=2461) of EQ players have upgraded their computers specifically for EQ. Female players are significantly more likely to have upgraded their computers for EQ when compared with male players (%male(2068)=44.9%, %female(368)=64.7, p<.001).

Upgrading internet connection for EQ

About a third (30.5%, N=2465) of EQ players have upgraded their internet connection specifically for EQ. Female players are significantly more likely than male players to have upgraded their internet connection for EQ (%male(2074)=29.9, %female(367)=38.4, p=.001).

Do you dream about EQ?

A majority (68.1%, N=1098) of EQ players have dreamed about EQ. Female players are significantly more likely to dream about EQ than male players (%male(924)=58.4, %female(165)=80.6, p<.001).


Players who dream about EQ score significantly higher on Neuroticism (T[929]=3.91, Myes(14.2)=14.2, Mno(341)=13.1, p<.001) and Openness (T[929]=2.07, Myes(590)=19.9, Mno(341)=19.5, p=.04) than those players who do not dream about EQ.

Most reported dreams usually had to do with:

1) achievement - killing Innoruk, getting an epic weapon

I found a bug to let me reach level 40. I was level 10 at the time. [m, 22]

Several times I've dreamed of finally finishing this quest armor quest. [m, 24]

2) the ordinary - crossing a zone, killing basic mobs

Yup, have had several. From what I remember, it was just the normal playing routine. [m, 15]

I have countless dreams set in EQ, just like my roommate, and all of my friends. I have no real details about any of them, other than they always involve me, as in me, not my character, wandering around an EverQuest-looking Earth, doing my usual activities while clearly playing EverQuest. [m, 21]

3) anxiety - chased by a gang of gnolls, getting lost

After my first time experiencing one of the massive trains in Guk, I dreamt that I was running thru my workplace with a hundred plus frogloks Stabbing me =) I made it to the break room with 4 hitpoints left! Close call [m, 18]

I had a dream that I fell through the ice on a frozen river in Everfrost. The undertow kept pulling me and I couldn't get out, then I woke up. [m, 24]

wish i could say i hadn't, it basically went like this ...LOADING, PLEASE WAIT...(the nekkid kind...not the intentional kind) You have entered Lady Vox's Lair Lady Vox slashes you for 324 points. Your spell fizzles! (rinse & repeat about 3 times) You have been slain by lady vox, you have lost ALL your levels. Welcome to level 1! [f, 24]

4) sexual themes

Not that I can remember. My dreams usually involve scantily clad women, so I guess a wood elf or two isn't out of the question. [m, 24]

Mmm woodelves [m, 25]

Looting Dilemma

"Your group is alpha looting till 3pp or FS with autosplit off (each member's turn lasts until they have accumulated either 3pp or they get a Fine Steel weapon). It is your turn and on your first loot, you get 3pp and 4gp. Do you say you're done, or continue to loot for a while?"

Almost all EQ players (94.1%, N=898) would say that they're turn is over, even though there is no way the other players would know how much money was looted. Players who would continue to loot are significantly younger than players who would say that they're turn is over (T[876]=3.55, Mover(829)=25.2, Mcontinue(49)=21.2, p<.001).


Players who would continue to loot score significantly lower on Agreeableness than those players who would say their turn was over (T[701]=3.51, Mover(660)=18.8, Mcontinue(43)=17.3, p<.001).

Healing Dilemma

"You are a healer and you are partnered with a tank. Because of a sudden spawn during a battle, the two of you lose control of the situation. Both of you are very low in health and you only have enough mana left for one heal. If you heal the tank, there is a 20% chance that the tank is able to finish the mobs. If you heal yourself, you have a 50% chance of zoning but the tank will die. Do you heal the tank or heal yourself?"

Almost all of EQ players (90.8%, N=899) would choose to heal the tank instead of themselves in this situation. Players who would heal themselves are significantly younger than players who would heal the tank (T[877]=2.45, Mtank(797)=25.3, Mself(82)=23.0, p=.01).


Players who would heal themselves score significantly lower on Agreeableness than those players who would heal the tank (T[701]=2.09, Mtank(642)=18.7, Mself(61)=18.0, p=.03).

Shield Dilemma

"At the end of a GM event, the GM hands you a no-drop shield with 16AC and +10 to your character's primary stat, but it has the word "WIMP" scrawled over it. Assuming your character is low-level and can use a shield, would you use the shield or not?"

The majority of EQ players (84.1%, N=899) would use this shield if they had it. Players who would use this shield are significantly older than players who would choose not to use this shield (T[877]=2.08, Myes(740)=25.3, Mno(139)=23.8, p=.04).


Players who would use the shield score significantly higher on Conscientiousness (T[701]=2.23, Myes(591)=15.1, Mno(112)=14.4, p=.03) and Extraversion (T[701]=1.99, Myes(591)=112, Mno(112)=14.3, p=.04) than those players who would not use the shield.