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What matters in character creation?
Level of most often played character
Would you sell your character?
Favorite Race/Class
If Norrath were real …

What matters in character creation?

Almost half of EQ players (42.3%, N=896) feel that game impact (i.e. the ability to solo, demand in groups) is what matters most during character creation. About 10% of players feel that thinking up the right name is what matters most. There are no significant gender differences.

Level of most often played character

On average, EQ gamers are usually using a character around level 33 (level= 33.5, N=1710).

Female players are usually using a character that is significantly higher in level than male players (T[1679]=-2.96, Mmale(1412)=33.2, Mfemale(269)=35.9, p=.003).


Players in the bottom quartile of Agreeableness often use significantly higher level characters than those players in the top quartile T[291]=2.29, Mbottom(137)=35.7, Mtop(156)=32.0, p=.02).

Would you sell your character?

If offered an amount equal to $(level*level)/10 (ie. A level 30 character would be $(30*30)/10=$90), 5.64% (N=1095) of EQ players would sell their main character. If offered double that amount (i.e. A level 30 character would be worth $(30*30)/5=$180), 16.4% of players would sell their characters. Female players are significantly less willing than male players to sell their characters in both scenarios (%male(921)=6.3%, %female(165)=1.8%, p=.02; %male(921)=17.4%, %female(165)=9.8%, p=.02).
While there is no significant age difference in the first condition, players who are willing to sell their main character in the second condition are significantly younger than those who are not willing to (T[1069]=-5.30, Myes(174)=22.7, Mno(897)=26.3, p<.001).

Favorite Race/Class

The most popular races are the Wood Elves (16.3%, N=1704), followed by the Humans (12.1%) and then the Dark Elves (11.2%). The least popular races are the Ogres (2.0%), followed by the Trolls (2.2%), and then the Gnomes (5.1%). Players who choose Wood Elves or Barbarians as their favorite race are significantly older than EQ players in general (Mall(1678)=25.5; Mwoodelf(272)=26.7, p=.02; Mbarbarian(124)=27.2, p=.03). Players who choose Dark Elves or Iksars as their favorite race are significantly younger than EQ players in general (Mall(1678)=25.5; Mdarkelf(183)=23.6, p<.001; Miksar(87)=22.5, p<.001).

The most popular classes are Druids (13.1%), followed by Warriors (9.1%) and then Enchanters (9.0%). The least popular classes are Shadow Knights (3.9%), followed by Wizards (4.5%), and then Bards (5.0%). Players who choose Druids as their favorite class are significantly older than EQ players in general (Mall(1678)=25.5, Mdruids(219)=28.0, p<.001). Players who choose Rogues or Monks as their favorite class are significantly younger than EQ players in general (Mall(1678)=25.5, Mrogue(88) = 23.2, p=.01, Mmonk(104)=22.9, p=.001).

If Norrath were real …

If Norrath were real and EQ players had to live in Norrath in the form of a EQ character, about 75.5% (N=899) of EQ players would want to be male, while 24.2% would want to be female. 8.9% of male players would want to be female, while 3.2% of female players would want to be male.

The most popular races are the Wood Elves (22.9%), followed by High Elves (15.1%), and then Humans (11.7%). The least popular races are the Ogres (0.7%), followed by the Trolls (1.4%), and then Iksars (2.6%). Female players are significantly more likely than male players to want to be Wood Elves (%male(732)=19.3, %female(158)=39.2%, p<.001), whereas male players are significantly more likely to want to be Human (%male(732)=13.1, %female(158)=4.4%,p=.002).

The most popular class is the Druid (15.5%), followed by the Enchanter (10.2%), and then the Cleric (8.9%). The least popular class is the Shadow Knight (2.2%), followed by the Monk (3.9%), and then the Rogue (4.3%). Female players are significantly more likely than male players to want to be druids (%male(732)=13.4, %female(158)=24.7, p<.001), and clerics (%male(732)=7.5, %female(158)=14.6, p=.005). Male players are significantly more likely to want to be warriors (%male(732)=8.6, %female(158)=3.2, p=.02).