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Age and Gender
Occupational Categories
Marital Status
Do You Have Children?
Annual Household Income
Hours of Play-Time Per Week
Playing EQ with a Romantic Partner
Playing EQ with a Family Member
Experience with Traditional Role-Playing Games

Age and Gender

The average age of EverQuest players is 25.6 (N=1240). Female players are significantly older than male players (T[1079]=-4.96, Mmale(918)=25.2, Mfemale(163)=29.0, p<.001). Data from another study (Oswalt 2000 ) showed that EQ players are significantly older (F[2,226] = 20.98, p<. 01) than Quake or Starcraft players (Tukey HSD, p<.01 for both).

About 84% of EQ players are male, while 16% are female (N=1240).

Occupational Categories

About a third (30%, N=1099) of EQ players are students, but of those who are working, 36% are working in Technology related areas.

Marital Status

About a third (32.3%, N=2473) of EQ players are single and not dating. About another third are single but dating (29.0%). The final third (36.7%) are either engaged, married or separated. Among players who are single, male players are significantly more likely than female players to not be in a romantic relationship (%male(2078)=36.4, %female(370)=13.5, p<.001). Female players are significantly more likely than male players to be either engaged, married or separated (%male(2078)=33.1%, %female(370)=60.3, p<.001)

Do you have children?

 About one-fifth (19.1%, N=2475) of EQ players have children.

Annual Household Income

About a quarter (27.6%, N=2525) of EQ players have an annual household income below $30,000. About another quarter (24.1%) have an annual household income between $30,000-$49,999. Another quarter (20.4%) of EQ players have an annual household income between $50,000-74,999. And about another quarter (27.8%) have an annual household income above $75,000.

Hours of Play-Time Per Week

EQ players spend on average about 22.4 hours per week playing the game (N=1216).

It was previously reported that female players spend significantly more time playing EQ per week than male players. A larger sample in a more recent phase did not show this effect. The overall average did not change, but the female average did.


Players who score in the top quartile of Neuroticism play significantly more hours per week than those who score on the bottom quartile (T[513]=-2.69, Mbottom(259)=20.1, Mtop(256)=23.4, p=.007). Players who score on the bottom quartile of Openness play significantly more hours per week than those who score on the top quartile (T[516]=2.36, Mbottom(264)=23.6, Mtop(324)=20.9, p=.01).

Data from Oswalt's study also shows that EQ players spend significantly more time playing EverQuest (F[2,222] = 24.02, p<.001) than Quake or Starcraft players spend playing Quake and Starcraft respectively (Tukey HSD, p< .01 for both).

Playing EQ with a romantic partner

25% (N=1094) of EQ players play the game with a romantic partner. There is a significant gender difference. 69.5% of female players play the game with a romantic partner, while only 16.4% of male players do (p<.001). A chapter that focuses on playing EQ with a romantic partner can be found here.

Playing EQ with a family member

About 8.1% (N=898) of EQ players play EQ with a parent or child, and about 15.9% (N=898) play EQ with a sibling. A chapter that focuses on playing EQ with a parent or child can be found here.

Experience with Traditional Role-Playing Games

About two thirds of EQ players (66.7%, N=896) have previous experience with traditional table-top role-playing games, such as AD&D. Male players are significantly more likely to have had previous experience with traditional RPG's (%male(729)=69.8, %female(158)=53.2, p<.001).