Have you ever tried playing on a
PVP server?
If so, how enjoyable was the experience?
Visual Perspective
Kunark Expansion
Velious Expansion
"Shadows of Luclin" Expansion
Dragon Raids and Plane Raids
A character above level 50
Leader of a Guild
About half (48.6%, N=2513) of EQ players have tried
playing on a PvP server. Male players are significantly more likely
than female players to have tried playing on a PvP server (%male(2113)=51.1,
%female(374)=36.1, p<.001). Players who have tried playing on
a PvP server are significantly younger than those players who have
never tried playing on a PvP server (T[2477]=11.3, Myes(1267)=23.2,
Mno(1212)=26.9, p<.001).

Players who have tried playing on a PvP server were
divided as to how enjoyable the experience was. About one-third
(32.3%, N=1275) found it somewhat enjoyable, while another third
(31.8%) found it somewhat unenjoyable.
Male players who have tried playing on PvP found
it significantly more enjoyable than female players who have tried
playing on PvP (T[1259]=2.64, Myes(1123)=3.22, Mno(138)=2.92, p=.008).
Players who find the experience very enjoyable are significantly
younger than those who find the experience very unenjoyable (T[333]=3.80,
Menjoy(191)=21.8, Munenjoy(144)=24.8, p<.001).
The great majority (92.3%, N=2511) of EQ players
play the game using the first-person perspective. Players who play
EQ using one of the third-person perspectives are significantly
younger than those who use the first-person perspective (T[2475]=5.32,
Mthird(180)=22.0, Mfirst(2297)=25.3, p<.001).
About 97.5% (N=2510) of EQ players have the Kunark
expansion. Players who have the Kunark expansion are significantly
older than players who do not have the Kunark expansion (T[2474]=2.59,
Myes(2429)=25.2, Mno(47)=22.0, p=.009).
About 79.6% (N=2503) of EQ players have the Velious expansion. Players
who have the Velious expansion are significantly older than players
who do not have the Velious expansion (T[2467]=5.73, Myes(1986)=25.6,
Mno(483)=23.2, p<.001).
About half (59.4%, N=2515) of EQ players will definitely
buy the "Shadows of Luclin" expansion when it comes out. There are
no significant age or gender differences.

About a quarter (26.1%, N=2471) of EQ players have
gone on dragon raids. There are no significant age or gender differences.
About a quarter (25.4%, N=2475) of EQ players have gone on plane
raids. There are no significant age or gender differences. There
is about an 80.6% (N=2464) overlap between players who have gone
on a dragon raid and players who have gone on a plane raid.
About a quarter (23.7%, N=2474) of EQ players have
at least one character above level 50. Players who have at least
one character above level 50 are significantly older than players
who do not have a character above level 50 (T[2438]=-2.93, Myes(590)=26.0,
Mno(1850)=24.8, p=.003). There are no significant gender differences.
About 7% (N=2460) of EQ players are leaders of a
guild. Female players are significantly more likely to be leaders
of guilds than male players (%male(2067)=6.8, %female(368)=10.1,
p=.03). There are no significant age differences.