Do you belong to a guild?
If you are in a guild, are you in an officer/leader
If you are in a guild, how often do you participate
in guild events?
How much do you enjoy being in this guild?
The majority (81.8%, N=1703) of EQ players belong
to a guild. There are no significant age or gender differences.
Players who belong in guilds
score significantly higher on Extraversion (T[601]=-3.11, Myes(503)=15.2,
Mno(100)=13.9, p=.002) than those players who do not belong in guilds.
About one-third (36.0%, N=1397) of players
who are in guilds are in an officer or leader position. Female players
are significantly more likely to be in officer or leader positions
than male players are (%male(1146)=33.9, %female(230)=45.2, p<.001).

About half (51.9%, N=1374) of players who
are in guilds either always or often participate in guild events.
Female players are significantly more likely than male players to
always participate in guild events (%male(1145)=15.3, %female(229)=25.3,

While most players enjoy being in a guild,
female players are significantly more likely than male players to
enjoy being in a guild (%male(1145)=48.7, %female(228)=63.2, p<.001).