The factor analysis shows that Bartle captured
3 motivations fairly well, however, the data also shows that
Bartle either included an unrelated element or excluded a
related element in each case.
Bartle emphasized conversing, interacting
and role-playing in his Socializing type. The factor analysis
shows that while conversing with other players is part of
the Socialization motivation, it should be focused on relationship
formation instead. And the real appeal seems to be the intimacy
and support that can be gained from such relationships. The
factor analysis also revealed that role-playing should not
be placed under this motivation, but in a separate factor
With regards to the Achiever type, Bartle
focused on points accumulation - whether this be experience
points, skill points, levels or equipment, and this part of
the Achievement motivation does pan out in the factor analysis.
But the data also pointed out that the underlying motivation
is to gain a sense of power within the construct of the game,
and that points accumulation may just be a means to this end.
When Bartle talks about Killers, he focuses
on the satisfaction gained from causing distress to other
players. The factor analysis reveals that causing distress
may be the more extreme end of a Grief motivation that gains
satisfaction from using other players for one's own gains.
And that this motivation should also include the more subtle
tactics of manipulation and deception.
What was very interesting was to not see the
Explorer type validated. It was clear that if the Exploring
motivation did exist, that the interest in mapping the world
and understanding the game mechanics were unrelated. I felt
that I had perhaps constructed poor statements for this motivation,
and switched several statements into the questionnaire after
6700 responses had been received. I then received another
500 responses, and tried to see whether the following statements
might validate an Exploring motivation that focused on game
1. I like to think about class-balancing issues.
2. I try out a lot of things to experiment with the game mechanics.
3. I try to find bugs I can exploit.
4. What fascinates me is finding out how stuff works in the
5. I like numbers, charts and tables.
The smaller data set was not significantly
different from the larger one in terms of age and gender composition.
The factor analysis on this data set also did not validate
the Explorer type. In particular, none of the above 4 statements
correlated above (0.20). However, statements 1, 4 and 5 had
weak loadings on the Achievement factor, but the loading was
too weak to be considered significant (.21, .27, and .37 respectively).