The Big-5 factors were developed by
Costa and McCrae. An inventory of 30 items was drawn from
a larger set developed by Lewis Goldberg .
Costa, P.T., McCrae, R.R. (1992). Four
Ways Five Factors are Basic, Personality and Individual Differences,
13, pp. 653-665. Oxford, England.
Goldberg, L. Development of Five-Factor Domain Scales. Online:
Someone with
high neuroticism is easily affected by the surrounding
atmosphere. They get worried easily, are quick to anger,
and easily discouraged. They often feel uneasy and embarrassed.
They have difficulty resisting temptations and coping
with stress. |
People with low neuroticism
have very stable moods. They often appear calm and relaxed.
They are able to cope with stress around them and thus
it takes more to discourage and embarrass them. They are
composed and are able to handle stressful situations without
anxiety. |
who score high on Extraversion are affectionate, friendly
and intimate. They are gregarious and prefer company.
They tend to be assertive and drift towards leadership
positions. Craving excitement and thrills, they work and
play at a fast pace. They usually have cheerful, optimistic
outlooks on life in general. |
Individuals who score low
on Extraversion are reserved and formal. They prefer to
be alone and seldom seek out company. They tend to stay
in the background and perform their activities at a more
leisurely pace. They have a low need for thrills and have
a less exuberant attitude in general than extraverts do. |
People with
high openness are imaginative and daydream a lot. They
appreciate art and beauty and place value on emotions.
they prefer variety in their lives and enjoy trying new
things out. They have a broad intellectual curiosity and
seem to be able to talk knowledgeably about many different
things. They are liberal and open to re-examining their
own values. |
People with low openness
focus on the here and now. They find speculative talk
a waste of time. They are uninterested in artistic endeavors
and discount the value of emotions. They prefer familiar,
routine tasks and life styles. They have a narrow intellectual
focus and are very conservative and dogmatic about their
own views and values. |
high in this scale see others as honest and well-intentioned.
Thus they are often straight forward and frank with others,
and are willing to help and trust in them. If placed in
a conflict, they usually defer under a higher authority.
They are humble, sometimes self-effacing, and are usually
tender-minded and easily moved. |
Individuals low on this
scale have a cynical and skeptical outlook on life. They
find it hard to trust others and often appear guarded
and reluctant to get involved. They are aggressive and
competitive, especially when placed under conflict. They
often feel superior to others, and are hard-headed and
rational. |
People with
high conscientiousness feel capable and effective. They
are well-organized, neat and tidy. Governed by conscience
and honor, they are driven to achieve success. They focus
on completing tasks and think carefully before acting. |
Individuals low in this
scale often feel unprepared. They are unorganized and
unmethodical in performing tasks. They are casual about
obligations and have a low need for achievement. They
procrastinate frequently and are easily distracted. They
are spontaneous and hasty in tasks. |