Of the 6700 responses, 5486 (82%) were EQ
players, 1044 (15%) were DAOC players, 68 (1.0%) were Anarchy
Online players, and 83 (1.2%) were Asheron's Call players.
I attribute the lower response rate of the latter 3 games
to my poorer understanding of where the most heavily-frequented
websites are. But I received a much higher than expected EQ
response rate because EverLore.com had my listing at the top
of their news list over the entire weekend.
About 11% of the respondents were female.

The average age of the respondents was 26.7
(N=6631). Female players were significantly older than male
players (T[6615]=-12.31, Mmale(5891)=26.3, Mfemale(726)=30.5,

On average, the respondents played their game
for about 24 hours each week. Female players played significantly
more hours per week than male players (T[6612]=-3.27, Mmale(5888)=23.8,
Mfemale(726)=25.7, p=.001).
