Starting Page



Gender Differences

Age Differences

First look at Elements

Isolating Genres

Genres - Age/Gender

Genres - Personality

Exploring Complexity



Personality Scales



Other Online Studies


First Look at Elements


A variety of correlations were performed on the list of 36 elements. Since there are 1260 possible correlations, I will briefly summarize findings that are of particular interest.


The most important trend that appeared was that elements that were conceived of as opposites did not correlate with each other. For example, real-time games do not correlate with turn-based games. While we might expect that people who tend to like real-time games may dislike turn-based games, this is not what was found. Instead, it turns out that the two are independent of each other. This trend appears for almost all the such opposed pairs of elements. Knowing that someone likes mental challenges (such as logic or reasoning) in games does not mean he will dislike reflexive challenges (combat or shooting). The same is true for games where building/construction is a focus and games where destruction/killing is the focus.


Pairs of opposing elements where correlations were significant had very small coefficients from which strong conclusions cannot be drawn.


Two sets of correlations are worth mentioning as well. Single-player games are not correlated to limited multiplayer games. Thus, a gamer may like or dislike both. SP games, however, are negatively correlated (-.28, p < .01)  with massively multiplayer games, while limited multiplayer games are positively correlated (.24, p < .01) with massively multiplayer games. Thus if someone likes SP games, then they are likely to dislike MM games. While if someone likes LM games, they will probably also like MM games.


Elements of destruction is positively correlated (.59, p < .01) with graphical violence, and both are positively correlated with elements of sexual appeal (.30 and .42 respectively, p < .01).