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Abeyata, Suzanne; Forest, James (1991). Relationship of Role-Playing Games to Self-Reported Criminal Behavior. Psychological Reports, December 1991, 69, pp. 1187-1192.

Carroll, James; Carolin, Paul (1989). Relationship between Game Playing and Personality. Psychological Reports, June 1989, pp. 705-706.

DeRenard, Lisa; Maink Kline, Linda (1990). Alienation and the Game Dungeons & Dragons. Psychological Reports, 1990, 66, pp. 1219-1222.

Douse, Neil; McManus, Ian (1993). The Personality of Fantasy Game Players. British Journal of Psychology (1993), 84 (4), 505-509

Mulcahy, Jennifer. Role Playing Characters and the Self.

Simo’n, Armando (1987). Emotional stability Pertaining to the Game of Dungeons & Dragons. Psychology in the Schools, October 1987, p. 329-332.


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