The Dynamics model is part of an elaborate and empirically validated model developed by Edward Murray. It combines the complexity and depth of psychoanalytic theories with the robustness of a modern, empirically-validated personality assessment tool. The Dynamics are underlying motivations that drive an individual. The model does not shoe-horn people in "types". Instead, an individual has a score/loading on each factor to find out what the dominant dynamics are.
Performer: Derives satisfaction from high-energy and thrill-seeking activities. Because Performers derive pleasure from activity, their greatest fear is a sense of emptiness from stagnation or inactivity.
Egoist: Derives satisfaction from self-achievements and improving one's abilities/status. The greatest fear of an Egoist is being worthless and being unable to help himself.
Leader: Derives satisfaction from asserting control over other people. The greatest fear of a Leader is to be subjugated and being in a subservient position.
Manager: Derives satisfaction from order, control and rules. The greatest fear of a Manager is intense shame and guilt from disobeying a rule or losing control.
Theoretician: Derives satisfaction from understanding and mastering a body of knowledge. The greatest fear of a Theoretician is ignorance or irrationality.
Relating: Derives satisfaction from intimate relationships with others. The greatest fear of a Relating individual is not being loved.
Loyalist: Derives satisfaction from allegiance with a group or authority figure. The greatest fear of a Loyalist is autonomy because they get security from being part of a group.
Mediator: Derives satisfaction from keeping peace and maintaining harmony in their relationships and in their surroundings. The greatest fear of a Mediator is an unprincipled or corrupt environment where peace can never be maintained.
Aesthete: Derives satisfaction from connecting with larger cultural or existential issues. The greatest fear of an Aesthere is apathy or emptiness.
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