Description of Personality Factors

The Dynamics model is part of an elaborate and empirically validated model developed by Edward Murray. It combines the complexity and depth of psychoanalytic theories with the robustness of a modern, empirically-validated personality assessment tool. The Dynamics are underlying motivations that drive an individual. The model does not shoe-horn people in "types". Instead, an individual has a score/loading on each factor to find out what the dominant dynamics are.

Performer: Derives satisfaction from high-energy and thrill-seeking activities. Because Performers derive pleasure from activity, their greatest fear is a sense of emptiness from stagnation or inactivity.

Egoist: Derives satisfaction from self-achievements and improving one's abilities/status. The greatest fear of an Egoist is being worthless and being unable to help himself.

Leader: Derives satisfaction from asserting control over other people. The greatest fear of a Leader is to be subjugated and being in a subservient position.

Manager: Derives satisfaction from order, control and rules. The greatest fear of a Manager is intense shame and guilt from disobeying a rule or losing control.

Theoretician: Derives satisfaction from understanding and mastering a body of knowledge. The greatest fear of a Theoretician is ignorance or irrationality.

Relating: Derives satisfaction from intimate relationships with others. The greatest fear of a Relating individual is not being loved.

Loyalist: Derives satisfaction from allegiance with a group or authority figure. The greatest fear of a Loyalist is autonomy because they get security from being part of a group.

Mediator: Derives satisfaction from keeping peace and maintaining harmony in their relationships and in their surroundings. The greatest fear of a Mediator is an unprincipled or corrupt environment where peace can never be maintained.

Aesthete: Derives satisfaction from connecting with larger cultural or existential issues. The greatest fear of an Aesthere is apathy or emptiness.


The Big-5 model is composed of 5 factors - 5 scales that are thought to describe the fundamental traits of human personality. In recent years, each factor has become composed of different sub-facets. 3 of the 5 factors were used (Extraversion, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness), and here are 3 sub-facets from each of those factors.

Factor: Extraversion

Friendliness. Friendly people genuinely like other people and openly demonstrate positive feelings toward others. They make friends quickly and it is easy for them to form close, intimate relationships. Low scorers on Friendliness are not necessarily cold and hostile, but they do not reach out to others and are perceived as distant and reserved.

Gregariousness. Gregarious people find the company of others pleasantly stimulating and rewarding. They enjoy the excitement of crowds. Low scorers tend to feel overwhelmed by, and therefore actively avoid, large crowds. They do not necessarily dislike being with people sometimes, but their need for privacy and time to themselves is much greater than for individuals who score high on this scale.

Assertiveness. High scorers Assertiveness like to speak out, take charge, and direct the activities of others. They tend to be leaders in groups. Low scorers tend not to talk much and let others control the activities of groups.

Factor: Agreeableness

Trust. A person with high trust assumes that most people are fair, honest, and have good intentions. Persons low in trust see others as selfish, devious, and potentially dangerous.

Compliance / Cooperation. Individuals who score high on this scale dislike confrontations. They are perfectly willing to compromise or to deny their own needs in order to get along with others. Those who score low on this scale are more likely to intimidate others to get their way.

Modesty. High scorers on this scale do not like to claim that they are better than other people. In some cases this attitude may derive from low self-confidence or self-esteem. Nonetheless, some people with high self-esteem find immodesty unseemly. Those who are willing to describe themselves as superior tend to be seen as disagreeably arrogant by other people.

Factor: Conscientiousness

Orderliness. Persons with high scores on orderliness are well-organized. They like to live according to routines and schedules. They keep lists and make plans. Low scorers tend to be disorganized and scattered.

Dutifulness. This scale reflects the strength of a person's sense of duty and obligation. Those who score high on this scale have a strong sense of moral obligation. Low scorers find contracts, rules, and regulations overly confining. They are likely to be seen as unreliable or even irresponsible.

Achievement-Striving. Individuals who score high on this scale strive hard to achieve excellence. Their drive to be recognized as successful keeps them on track toward their lofty goals. They often have a strong sense of direction in life, but extremely high scores may be too single-minded and obsessed with their work. Low scorers are content to get by with a minimal amount of work, and might be seen by others as lazy.

- these descriptors were taken from John A. Johnson's page. Dr. Johnson is a Professor of Psychology at Penn State University.

Brief Intro for Big-5 Factors: Bad design decisions, but good content.
International Personality Item Pool: The main site for the IPIP.
Take the IPIP: Take a more extensive assessment.
Critique of the Big-5: Well-written critique of the Big-5 model.


And finally, here are the brief descriptions from the 5 factors taken from the Facets study:

Relationship: This factor measures the desire to develop meaningful relationships with other players in the game - usually in the form of a supportive friendship.

Immersion: This factor measures the desire to become immersed in a make-believe construct and to role-play different characters.

Grief: This factor measures the desire to objectify and use other players for one's own gains.

Achievement: This factor measures the desire to become powerful within the construct of a game and correlates with a desire to accumulate weapons or symbols of power.

Group / Lead: This factor measures the gregariousness of a player, and correlates with a desire to achieve group success as well as a desire to lead these groups.