MMORPG Questionnaire - Phase 5
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Please enter your email address here so I can match your responses from this questionnaire to your past and future responses. You will also be contacted when the results of the study are ready and when there are future questionnaires to participate in. You can opt out of these mailings at any time. This study is noncommercial and your email address will be kept confidential.
1) Gender: Male Female
2) Age:
3) The game I play the most of currently is:
EverQuest Dark Age of Camelot Ultima Online Anarchy Online Asheron's Call
4) I spend about hours each week playing the game.
5) I am: an only child the oldest child the youngest child a middle child
6) Does your everyday job require you to manage other people (task delegation, project planning, and setting expectations)?
Yes No
7) Does your everyday job require you to lead other people (envisioning and effecting change, inspiring and motivating others)?
8) Several new MMORPGs are slated to come out soon. Will you switch to a new MMORPG or stay with the one you're playing now?
I can't wait to play something new. I will try a new MMORPG and then decide whether to switch or not. I will probably stay with the game I'm playing now.
9) Of the upcoming MMORPGs, which are you most looking forward to? If you aren't particularly excited about any new MMORPG, leave this blank.
10) This is the amount someone would have to pay me to buy my account:
Under $50 Between $50 and $200 Between $200 and $500 Between $500 and $1000 Over $1000 I would not sell my account for any amount of money
11) How often are you grouped?
I almost always solo. I usually solo, and seldom group. I am grouped about 50% of the times. I usually group, and seldom solo. I am almost always grouped.
12) Do you find yourself grouping more or less often over time?
I group more often now. About the same. I solo more often now.
In the next sections of this questionnaire, the word "leader" refers to the person in the leadership role in a group, and does not necessarily refer to the player who started the group and has the ability to invite.
Unless explicitly referred to as "real-life", the questions refer to situations in the game.
13) How often are you the leader of a group?
Almost never Sometimes Frequently
14) Do you find yourself in a leadership position more or less often over time?
I lead more often now. About the same. I lead less often now.
15) When tension or conflicts arise between individuals in a group, how often do you try to mediate or resolve the problem?
Almost Never Sometimes Frequently
16) How well can you mediate or resolve tensions between individuals in a group?
I am usually unsuccessful I sometimes succeed I am usually successful
17) Do you feel that your ability to mediate or resolve in-group tension in real life has improved from your experiences in the game?
It hasn't helped my real life abilities at all. It has helped my real life abilities a little. It has helped my real life abilities a lot.
Optional: Your group has not talked about a looting rule/order yet. The group kills an unexpected rare mob. You inspect and loot a valuable magic item. Azariel says that he can use the item and would like it. Dolorian replies that he can also use the item and would like it. You are the leader of the group and you have no need for the item. What would you do or say at this point?
18) When you are in a group, how often do you suggest or try to persuade the group to hunt somewhere/something else?
19) How successful are you at persuading the group to hunt somewhere/something else?
20) Do you feel your ability to persuade other people in real life has improved from your experiences in the game?
Optional: You have just joined a group, and after observing the class/level distribution of the other members, you realize there is a far better hunting spot this group could go to. The leader of the group, however, seems content to be hunting this spot. What would you say or do in this situation?
21) When you are the leader of a group, how often do you say or do things to inspire or motivate individual players?
22) Do you feel your ability inspire and motivate other people in real life has improved from your experiences in the game?
Optional: As the leader of a group in the game, what are some things you can say or do to instill loyalty in your group members?
23) How well can you anticipate the risks of a particular hunting spot and coordinate an emergency plan before an emergency occurs?
I have a hard time anticipating risks or coordinating plans. I can sometimes anticipate risks and coordinate plans. I can often anticipate risks and coordinate plans.
24) When you are the leader of a group, and your group is attacked by sudden dangerous spawns or adds, how well can you coordinate your group to react to the situation?
I often lose control of the situation. I am sometimes able to coordinate the group. I can often coordinate the group effectively.
25) Do you feel your ability to manage other people under stressful situations in real life has improved from your experiences in the game?
26) Have you become more comfortable in taking on leadership roles in real life because of your experiences in the game?
My experiences in the game haven't helped me at all in real life. My experiences in the game have helped me a little in real life. My experiences in the game have helped me a lot in real life.
Optional: Describe a leadership experience in the game that you find particularly memorable. Or describe how your experiences helped you learn leadership skills.
27) The emotion that is most likely to be expressed by this emoticon :P is:
Joy Feigned Anger Disgust Feigned Disapproval Feigned Joy
28) I feel more comfortable expressing myself and communicating in typed chat than in real life conversations.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
29) I get very anxious and self-conscious when I need to talk to someone face-to-face.
30) I have become more comfortable with face-to-face communication because of my experiences in MMORPGs.
31) I have become more comfortable with forming and sustaining relationships in real life because of my experiences in MMORPGs.
Optional: Tell me what issues or aspects of MMORPGs you would be most interested in learning about or seeing statistical data on.
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