MMORPG Study - Entry Questionnaire

Don't forget to press the "Submit" button at the bottom of the page when you are done. Any questions or comments should be directed to Nicholas Yee

Please enter your email address here so I can match your responses from this questionnaire to your past and future responses. You will also be contacted when the results of the study are ready and when there are future questionnaires to participate in.


1) Gender: Male    Female

2) Age:  

3) The game I play the most of currently is:

Dark Age of Camelot
Ultima Online
Anarchy Online
Ascheron's Call

4) I spend about hours each week playing the game.

For each of the following statements, indicate how accurate it is a description of you WHEN YOU PLAY THE GAME. There are 40 statements altogether.

1) I find myself having meaningful conversations with others.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

2) I am an effective group leader.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

3) What fascinates me is finding out how stuff works in the game.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

4) I like wandering and exploring the world.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

5) I like the escapism aspect of the game.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

6) I like to manipulate other people so they do what I want them to.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

7) I beg for money or items in the game.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

8) I usually don't chat much with group members.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

9) Doing massive amounts of damage is very satisfying.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

10) I like to think about class-balancing issues.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

11) I have learned things about myself from playing the game.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

12) Playing the game lets me relieve stress from the day.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

13) I like the feeling of being part of a story.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

14) I have made some good friends in the game.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

15) When newbies have questions, I'm glad to answer them.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

16) I try out a lot of things to experiment with the game mechanics.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

17) I like to try out new roles and personalities with my characters.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

18) I scam other people out of their money or equipment.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

19) It's important to me to achieve goals with as little help from other people as possible.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

20) I always help other players when they're in trouble.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

21) I like to feel powerful in the game.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

22) Honor and reputation are very important to me.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

23) It's very important to me to get the best gear available.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

24) I like to be immersed in a fantasy world.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

25) I try to find bugs I can exploit.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

26) I talk to my friends in the game about personal issues.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

27) I can't stand those people who only care about leveling.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

28) I research everything about a class before starting the character.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

29) I understand real-life group dynamics much more after playing the game.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

30) Playing the game lets me forget some of the real-life problems I have.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

31) I like numbers, charts and tables.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

32) I like to taunt or annoy other players.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

33) I find myself soloing a lot.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

34) I would rather follow than lead.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

35) I try to optimize my XP gain as much as possible.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

36) I make up stories and histories for my characters.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

37) I like to dominate other characters/players.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

38) Friends in the game have offered me support when I had a RL problem or crisis.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

39) People who role-play extensively bother me.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

40) It's just a game.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree