MMORPG Study - Phase 11

Don't forget to press the "Submit" button at the bottom of the page when you are done. Any questions or comments should be directed to Nicholas Yee

Please enter your email address here so I can match your responses from this questionnaire to your past and future responses. You will also be contacted when the results of the study are ready and when there are future questionnaires to participate in. You can opt out of these mailings at any time. Your email address will be kept confidential. While you are encouraged to enter your email address below, this isn't required to submit the survey.


1) Gender: Male    Female

2) Age:  

3) The game I play the most of currently is:

Dark Age of Camelot
Ultima Online
Anarchy Online
Asheron's Call 1
Asheron's Call 2
Earth and Beyond
Star Wars Galaxies
Other (please specify: )

4) I spend about hours each week playing the game.

How important are the following aspects of an MMORPG to you? Consider the following aspects relative to each other. It would be nice if every aspect of an MMORPG could be perfect, but which are the following are most important to you?

A good combat system

Not Important At All Very Important

A good crafting system

Not Important At All Very Important

Varied and interesting landscape

Not Important At All Very Important

Varied and interesting quests

Not Important At All Very Important

Highly customizable character creation

Not Important At All Very Important

Have you ever given out your email to players you met in the game?

Just one
More than one

Have you ever given out your instant messenger screen name to players you met in the game?

Just one
More than one

Have you ever given out your phone number to players you met in the game?

Just one
More than one

In general, do you feel like you "click" or "connect" better with people you meet in the game or in real life?

No difference. About the same.
Connect easier with people I meet in real life.
Connect easier with people I meet in the game.

When you create your character and advance their skills, do you tend to choose depending on how powerful that character will be because of the game mechanics or how much that profession or skill appeals to you regardless of how powerful or weak it is?

Appeal Power
Consider the following kinds of pet alternatives different games might offer. If they were all balanced and comparable in terms of offense and defense skills, how appealing would they be to you?

Having a tamed/bio-engineered creature pet

Not Appealing At All Very Appealing

Having a mechanical/droid pet

Not Appealing At All Very Appealing

Having a summoned elemental pet

Not Appealing At All Very Appealing

Being able to charm and mesmerize other mobs/NPC's temporarily for pets

Not Appealing At All Very Appealing

Consider the following modes of personal transport different games might offer. If they were all balanced and comparable in terms of speed and efficiency, how appealing would they be to you?

A creature mount

Not Appealing At All Very Appealing

A personal hover-craft

Not Appealing At All Very Appealing

A spell/potion that increased traveling speed

Not Appealing At All Very Appealing

An innate levitation ability

Not Appealing At All Very Appealing

Consider the following ranged weapons different games might offer. If they were all balanced and comparable in terms of speed and damage, how appealing would they be to you?

Laser Cannon

Not Appealing At All Very Appealing

Darkwood Bow

Not Appealing At All Very Appealing

Lightning Bolt Spell

Not Appealing At All Very Appealing

Psionic Shockwave

Not Appealing At All Very Appealing

Consider a hypothetical game where you can choose to be part of the following 4 tribes. If they were all balanced and comparable in terms of power and dominance, how appealing would they be to you?

A tribe that relies on technology and mechanical inventions (droid, hover-craft, laser cannon)

Not Appealing At All Very Appealing

A tribe that relies on magical abilties and spells (magical pet, speed spell, lightning bolt spell)

Not Appealing At All Very Appealing

A tribe that relies on a symbiotic relationship with nature (creature pets and mounts, darkwood bow)

Not Appealing At All Very Appealing

A tribe that relies on psionic abilities (charm pet, levitation ability, psionic shockwave)

Not Appealing At All Very Appealing

How appealing are the following non-combat professions to you?

A farmer or shepherd that grows crops and breeds livestock on a large plot of land. Provides base resources for crafters.

Not Appealing At All Very Appealing

A geologist or miner that explores different areas to locate and mine precious ores and gems for crafters and gems for spells.

Not Appealing At All Very Appealing

A fashion designer or stylist that provides other players with fashionable clothing, hair styles and personal flair.

Not Appealing At All Very Appealing

An elected governor of a town or city managing taxes and resources, and the approval and construction of new structures.

Not Appealing At All Very Appealing

The following questions are not meant to create statistics to show that MMORPG players are socially-maladjusted. They are an attempt to clarify what motivates different players to play the game. How accurately do the following statements describe you?

I have a hard time making and keeping friends in real life.

Very Inaccurate Very Accurate

I often feel incompetent and useless in real life.

Very Inaccurate Very Accurate

People around me in real life make me feel like I'm a failure.

Very Inaccurate Very Accurate

I am proud of my past achievements.

Very Inaccurate Very Accurate

I am very self-conscious about my appearance in real life.

Very Inaccurate Very Accurate

I am a confident person.

Very Inaccurate Very Accurate

I find it easier to form relationships online or in MMORPGs than in real life.

Very Inaccurate Very Accurate

I doubt and undermine my own skills and abilities.

Very Inaccurate Very Accurate

My everyday life is full of stress, anxiety and frustration.

Very Inaccurate Very Accurate

I feel like my life isn't going anywhere.

Very Inaccurate Very Accurate

I have several close friends I could call on to give me support when I need it.

Very Inaccurate Very Accurate

I feel I have no control over my life.

Very Inaccurate Very Accurate

I am very optimistic about my future.

Very Inaccurate Very Accurate

I am not happy with how I look in real life.

Very Inaccurate Very Accurate

I am often depressed.

Very Inaccurate Very Accurate

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