MMORPG Study - Phase 10

Don't forget to press the "Submit" button at the bottom of the page when you are done. Any questions or comments should be directed to Nicholas Yee

Please enter your email address here so I can match your responses from this questionnaire to your past and future responses. You will also be contacted when the results of the study are ready and when there are future questionnaires to participate in. You can opt out of these mailings at any time. Your email address will be kept confidential. While you are encouraged to enter your email address below, this isn't required to submit the survey.

Feature: Part of this survey focuses on deriving a revised player motivations assessment. When the results of this phase are ready, you will be able to go to a database-driven page and see how your responses below rank with other gamers. To be able to use this feature, make sure you enter your email correctly, as that will be how you access your results and see the comparison.


1) Gender: Male    Female

2) Age:  

3) The game I play the most of currently is:

Dark Age of Camelot
Ultima Online
Anarchy Online
Asheron's Call 1
Asheron's Call 2
Earth and Beyond
Star Wars Galaxies
Other (please specify: )

4) I spend about hours each week playing the game.

5) Occupational Status:

I am working full-time
I am a full-time student
I work part-time, and/or am student part-time
I am a stay-at-home-mom/dad
I am unemployed
I am retired

6) Marital Status:


7) Do you have children?


8) I have characters who are above level 10. Of these, are of the opposite gender.

9) I have characters above level 30.

10) I have characters who are in the 5 highest levels allowed in the game.

For the following stataments, indicate how well each describes your in-game attitudes and preferences. There are 25 statements altogether.

1) I have meaningful conversations with other players in MMORPGs.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

2) I like to be immersed in a fantasy world.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

3) I like to taunt or annoy other players.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

4) I try to optimize my XP gain as much as possible.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

5) I like to be part of a group or team effort.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

6) I have learned things about myself from playing MMORPGs.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

7) I like to try out new roles and/or personalities with my characters.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

8) I like to dominate other players.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

9) I like to feel powerful in the game.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

10) I enjoy being part of a guild.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

11) I have made some good friends in MMORPGs.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

12) I like the feeling of being part of a story.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

13) I like to manipulate other players to my own benefit.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

14) It is important to me to get the best gear available.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

15) I tend to be very loyal to the guilds I am in.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

16) I talk to my friends in MMORPGs about my personal issues.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

17) I enjoy the sense of "being someone else" temporarily.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

18) I enjoy scamming other people out of their money or gear.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

19) I am very achievement-driven in the game.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

20) I have a great respect for group and guild leaders.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

21) Friends in these games have offered me support when I had a RL problem or crisis.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

22) I enjoy making up stories and histories for my character.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

23) I always get my revenge on players who piss me off.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

24) Leveling my character as quickly as possible is my top priority.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

25) I prefer team victories over individual achievements in the game.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

1) How many names do you have on your Friends/Buddies list in the game?

More than 15

2) How many names do you have on your Ignore list in the game?

More than 15

3) The current guild status of the character you play the most:

Not in a guild.
In a guild, but not in any leadership or officer position.
Guild officer.
Guild leader.

4) Which of the following character class types do you usually prefer to play?

Mage/Sorcerer (focusing on DD/DoT spells)
Tank (focusing on close range melee)
Healer (focusing on buffs/healing/rez)
Stealth Classes (eg. Archers or Assassins)
Hybrid Tank/Healer (eg. EQ Paladin, DAOC Warden)
Hybrid Tank/Mage (eg. EQ Shadowknight, DAOC Thane)
Pet Class (eq. EQ Necromancer, DAOC Cabalist)
Misc Support Class (eq. Mezzes, Speed increases, Crack)
No Preference

5) When you're in a group, do you usually want to be in a leadership role?

I usually don't want to be the leader.
I usually want to be the leader.
I have no real preference.

6) Do you prefer to group or solo?

I prefer to group mainly for the social interaction.
I prefer to group mainly for the better XP or because my character cannot solo.
I prefer to solo because of my schedule.
I prefer to solo because I prefer to play alone.
I prefer to solo because good groups are hard to find.
I don't have a preference.

7) Several new MMORPGs are slated to come out soon. Are you looking forward to trying out any of them?

I am looking forward to trying out at least 3 of them.
I am looking forward to trying out 2 of them.
I am looking forward to trying out one of them.
I probably won't try out any new MMORPG in the next year or so.
I can't think of or name any upcoming MMORPG.

8) When these new games come out, how likely are you to quit the game you are currently playing the most to play a new game? (Quitting = Cancelling Subscription)

I am definitely going to quit.
I am probably going to quit.
I might quit.
I am probably not going to quit.
I am definitely not going to quit.

9) Do you currently have active accounts with more than one MMORPG?


10) Do you anticipate having active accounts with more than one MMORPG in the future?

Probably Not
Not Sure

11) Would you be in support of age-restricted servers where players have to be over the age of 18 or 21 to be on a particular server?

Not sure

12) I feel better about myself when I am playing the game.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

13) My playing habits have caused me academic, legal, health, financial, or relationship problems.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

14) Playing the game makes me feel guilty.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

15) I become anxious, irritable or angry if I am unable to play.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree
16) My social life has suffered because of my playing habits.
Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

17) Arguments have arisen at home because of my playing habits.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

18) How important is the graphics quality of a game to you?

It is crucial
It is somewhat important
Compared with other factors, it is not important at all.

19) How important is being able to RvR/PvP in a game to you?

It is crucial
It is somewhat important
Compared with other factors, it is not important at all.

20) How important is the genre/theme (Medieval vs. Futuristic) of a game to you?

It is crucial
It is somewhat important
Compared with other factors, it is not important at all.

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