MMORPG Study - "Exit Survey"

Don't forget to press the "Submit" button at the bottom of the page when you are done. Any questions or comments should be directed to Nicholas Yee

Please enter your email address here so I can match your responses from this questionnaire to your past and future responses. You will also be contacted when the results of the study are ready and when there are future questionnaires to participate in. You can opt out of these mailings at any time. This study is noncommercial and your email address will be kept confidential.

1) Gender: Male    Female

2) Age:  

3) The game I have stopped playing is:

Dark Age of Camelot
Ultima Online
Anarchy Online
Asheron's Call

4) I played the game for months before I quit.

5) It has been months since I've played the game.

6) I kept the account active for months after I stopped playing.

7) Currently:

I am playing another MMORPG.
I am not playing another MMORPG.

8) Why did you stop playing the game? Did specific events or experiences make you quit?

9) How easy was it for you to quit?

Very difficult
Somewhat difficult
Not that hard
Wasn't a problem at all

10) Did you give away your avatar's items?

Yes - mostly to strangers, or players I barely knew.
Yes - mostly to guild mates, or friends.

11) Are you thinking of trying out any of the upcoming MMORPGs?

I'll probably try out one or more upcoming MMORPGs
I may try out one or more upcoming MMORPGs
I don't think I'll play another MMORPG in the forseeable future

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