Support the MMORPG Study

I'm not sure whether I could have foreseen how far I have come in doing these online surveys when I started this during my sophomore year in college. I've learned a lot about MMORPGs as well as how to carry out user surveys online. And a lot has changed over the past 3 years - I've since graduated, moved to Chicago, worked for a Tech R&D group, got into grad school, and am now preparing to move to Palo Alto to begin my new life as a grad student.

Ever since I began reporting my findings online, I've never found any comparable publicly available source of information on the demographics, behavior or psychology of MMORPG players. A lot of time and effort has gone into collecting, analyzing and providing these publicly available resources. Almost all of the research presented within these pages was performed independently - outside of any academic or commercial setting. While this was feasible to do on the side while working full-time, the financial realities of being a grad student is a different story.

I'd like to keep these pages free of advertisements, and I'd like to continue carrying out this line of research and presenting the findings back to the community. If you feel that what I am doing and providing here is worthwhile, informative or interesting, please consider contributing in support of this research. Every donation helps.

Nick Yee