gaming survey project

Who is running this study?
This is a survey project run by long-time game researchers Nick Yee and Nic Ducheneaut as part of our consulting practice around game analytics. You can get a sense of our past work on gaming at The Daedalus Project, our academic papers, and Nick’s book on the psychology of online games.

Who can participate in this study?
This study is open to anyone who plays video games.

What are the goals of the study?
We’re hoping to explore a wide range of issues related to the psychology of gaming: genre preference and motivations, player types, hot button issues among gamers, etc.

What will I be asked to do in this study?
You will be asked to complete an online survey for the study. The survey should take about 10-15 minutes to complete. You will also be invited to participate in future surveys (if you choose to join the mailing list).

What do I get out of the study?
We will share findings from the study. If you join the mailing list, you will be notified when new findings (in the form of blog posts) are available.

What about data privacy?
Your individual privacy will be maintained in all published and written reports resulting from the data. Only aggregated information will be shared. Your email will be kept confidential and will never be shared with a third party.

What if I have questions?
Please direct all comments and questions to Nick Yee.

Current Surveys:

The current survey phase has ended. If you'd like to be notified when new surveys are available to participate in, join the mailing list.

Phase 1 Survey: Questions on basic demographics, genre preferences, gaming motivations, and hot button issues among gamers.

Suggestions for Future Surveys: What are things you would like to see asked about in future surveys?