Motivations Assessment - Page 1 / 4


The following is a web-based assessment of your gaming motivations. It consists of 39 questions and should take about 3-5 minutes to complete. When you finish the assessment, your approximate percentile ranks based on a sample of 3200 MMORPG players will be generated.

How interested are you in the precise numbers and percentages underlying the game mechanics? (i.e, chance of dodging an attack, the math comparing dual-wield to two-handed weapons, etc.)

Not Interested At All
Slightly Interested
Somewhat Interested
Very Interested
Extremely Interested

How important is it to you that your character is as optimized as possible for their profession / role?

Not Important At All
Slightly Important
Somewhat Important
Very Important
Extremely Important

How often do you use a character builder or a template to plan out your character's advancement at an early level?


Would you rather be grouped or soloing?

Much Rather Group
Rather Group
Rather Solo
Much Rather Solo

How important is it to you that your character can solo well?

Not Important At All
Slightly Important
Somewhat Important
Very Important
Extremely Important

How much do you enjoy working with others in a group?

Not At All
A Little
A Lot
A Great Deal

How important is it to you to be well-known in the game?

Not Important At All
Slightly Important
Somewhat Important
Very Important
Extremely Important

How much time do you spend customizing your character during character creation?

Not At All
A Little
A Lot
A Great Deal

How important is it to you that your character's armor / outfit matches in color and style?

Not Important At All
Slightly Important
Somewhat Important
Very Important
Extremely Important

How important is it to you that your character looks different from other characters?

Not Important At All
Slightly Important
Somewhat Important
Very Important
Extremely Important