Crafting and Trading

How important are good crafting systems and the ability to make money in the economic game to players? We'll start with crafting. 60% of players thought that having a good, robust crafting system was either very important or extremely important. There were no gender differences.

We see a very similar pattern in terms of being able to make money in the economic game (via auction houses, etc.). The responses were skewed towards the more positive end of the graph. And here too, there were only minimal gender differences.

There were some mild age differences. Older players were more likely to be interested in crafting (correlation of .13 for women, .08 for men), while younger players were more likely to be interested in making money in the game (correlation of -.07 for women, -.04 for men). These correlations were fairly small though, but it's interesting that they were in the opposite direction.