Please Read: Mailing List Transfer

Due to new anti-spam policies that my web host has implemented, I am switching to a different mailing list system to conform to their requirements. As part of these requirements, I have to reconfirm the emails of those on the mailing list. If you are on the mailing list, you will receive an email from me asking you to click on a link to remain on the mailing list.

While the email you receive may look like a phishing attempt, it is a legitimate email being sent from my web host's mailing list system. The link provided (which points to is in my web host's domain. To see the content/wording of the email you will receive, please read the text provided below the dashed lines.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience of this, but this is the only way my web host is allowing me to maintain the mailing list. If you do not confirm your subscription, you will be removed from the mailing list, so please confirm your email promptly to avoid missing any announcements.


My web host has recently implemented a strict anti-spam policy. To conform to their requirements, I am switching to a different mailing list system. Please confirm your desire to have your email subscribed to the Daedalus Project mailing list.

To confirm your subscription to this list, please click on this link below:

IMPORTANT: If you do not confirm your subscription, you will be removed from the mailing list.

As always, I would like to thank you for your interest and participation in the Daedalus Project. As this is the only message you will receive to confirm your subscription, please confirm your mailing list subscription promptly to avoid missing any announcements.

Nick Yee

The Daedalus Project