Seriosity/IBM Report on the Future of Leadership

In the summer and fall of 2006, I worked with a technology start-up, Seriosity, in Palo Alto that was working on a project for IBM. IBM was interested in exploring how leadership in virtual worlds may or may not be different from leadership in the physical world (i.e., traditional approaches to fostering and identifying leadership skills and attributes). At Seriosity, I worked with a small team to explore leadership in MMOs via game-play videos, open-ended surveys, and many internal discussions as to what was going on.

The Seriosity/IBM report has just been released publicly and I'm glad I was a part of this project. I think many of the insights in this project will resonate with players' experiences in MMOs and also provide food for thought as to the future of corporate leadership.

Note that there are two reports. The shorter one is the report for IBM. The second, longer one is Seriosity's full report on leadership in MMOs.