Current Issue: Vol. 7-1 (03/09/2009)



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DRAVEN: HOSTILE ARSENAL`Crusade GUARDIANS PierceTheVeins Fenris Mastermind Vengeance LEGION ELITE Imperial SUPERIOR Descendants REVENGE AllStars CONQUEROR CONQUEST Renegades Celestial Beings Enrage ... [go]

Ashraf Ahmed : real-world context can be inserted into a virtual world, effectively turning the virtual world into a forum for real-world contexts. ... [go]

Roflmaodoodoodadoodoo: I didn't get it from the generator, but I saw it in Arathi Basin and thought it was the best ... [go]

Keesha: In awe of that aneswr! Really cool! ... [go]

Bobbo: This does look promising. I'll keep cmoing back for more. ... [go]



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Most Memorable Experience


The second most common category that narratives fell under revolved around specific relationships or memorable interactions with another person.

Random Acts of Kindness

As we saw towards the end of the narrative in the last section, random acts of kindness can make a huge impact. Indeed, many players described unexpected acts of generosity as their most memorable experience.

A good experience I once had was when I was on a low level alt and someone I was friends with on another character (who had no idea it was me) walked up to me and gave me a rare item saying "Here, this'll help you get started? I gave her a bunch of potions on my main in thanks and she never figured out why, but when she did that it just made me really happy. A random act of kindness to someone whom she thought she didn't know and would never see again. [WoW, F, 17]

I was running the Stratholme instance with a pick-up group. A very rare epic quality gun dropped. No one in the group needed it and everyone "greed" rolled for it, as it was Bind on equip. I won and was very surprised. Elated, I linked it into guild chat to brag about what I had won. At that time this item was the best hunter gun on the server and worth about 3-400+g on the auction house. My guild master at that time (a hunter and great and fun friend!) was very clearly very jealous. Though it was clear he wanted the item he did not say anything about it. He congratulated me said it would make me some good gold, and he log off very shortly after. I spent a few hours thinking about what to do with the gun - sell on AH or give to my hunter friend? Eventually I decided to wrap it up in wrapping paper and sent it to him in the game mail. I logged off not log after for the weekend and forgot about it all together. The next day (Sat) at 3pm there was a knock on my door. I opened it to find my online friend (the hunter) and his wife holding several bottles of wine and a huge cake. He was grinning ear to ear and had been so happy with what he'd found in the post they had got my address from another friend and driven 115 miles to come thank me. We had a great laugh about it all, had a little impromptu party and ending up sitting up to 3am talking about WoW and our experiences. It was great fun and a fabulous feeling to have been able to make someone happy with something that I had obtained luckily but with such little effort. [WoW, M, 33]

Romantic Relationships

Some players described how they met their romantic partner in an MMO. The latter two narratives really hit on the sheer "totally random" nature of how these relationships start in MMOs.

A friend and I used to spend many hours talking online - we'd take our characters somewhere scenic - Feralas (lush forests and waterfalls), the Barrens (high hilltops and great views), the roof of the Orgrimmar auction house, and sit and have hours long conversations. One of our favorite places to talk was the hill just outside of the Crossroads. If you look to the east you can just see the town and the smoke from the inn. To the north you can see the low trees and the open plains. It's quiet and out of the way. We'd often talk about guild issues there or discuss personal problems, sometimes just enjoy the scenery and some peace and quiet. Over time, it became apparent that he and I were developing a relationship. One day (November 21st to be precise!) he took me up to that hill and we stood there for a while, and that one place is where he asked me to go out with him. That was nine months ago and we've met in person and still have an amazing relationship. We don't go to the Barrens as often as we used to, but out of everything that's happened to me in almost 2 years of playing? That was absolutely the most memorable! [WoW, F, 30]

My most memorable experience was the night my girlfriend and I really hit it off on WoW. She was fishing right next to me in Dustwallow by the crash site and I just struck up a conversation with her. The next thing you know we were running around, killin' mobs together, and quoting Shakespeare! We've since moved in together, are totally and utterly and completely twitterpated, and haven't looked back. Out of 8M people who play WoW and 2M of them assumed to be Chinese gold farmers it never ceases to amaze me how I met the love of my life on the Gurubashi server at 3am PST. I'm the luckiest guy in the world. [WoW, M, 26]

So I was pissed off that I somehow made a healer as my first main character on City of Villains. I was 3/4 dead looking at my screen where I was about level 22 or 26 …debating on deleting my character and making something where every ass on the game would refrain from saying, 'Heal More' or 'Heal Me'. So … Yea! I got sick of that shit hella fast. Anyways ... I'm sittin lookin at my screen HATING my character, when I get an ingame Private Message, from some Guy named Omega Man. Hmm, says he is lookin for a healer. Now I at this point am sick to death of healing whole teams ... so I replied, Can I just heal you? He said, 'yeap' and ummm ... July 22nd 2006 we got married in real life. [CoH, F, 30]

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