In Their Own Words: The Immersion ComponentWho Needs Fantasy? We conclude with players who feel that fantasy and immersion have no real impact on their enjoyment of a game. I enjoy playing the game, but it is not any more of an escape than a good book or watching the Discovery channel. I don't have the time nor the energy for role-playing. [WoW, M, 27]
I never really 'immerse' myself in the game. I do not role play, and I play my character the same way I act in real life. I am not the type of person who feels comfortable with 'roles' and am best at being myself. [EQ, F, 22] Meh. Its more a number crunching game to me. How can you roleplay when its on the internet? It pales in comparison to real roleplaying with friends. [WoW, M, 25]
Ah, immersion and addiction. I'll admit that I'm having a bit of a MMORPG-fit right now, as my gaming computer has broken down. I was genuinely under the impression that I could handle it much better than this, and that I could go a few weeks without a little World of Warcraft. Nuh uh. I'm rounding my second week, and I'm nearly gnawing on the manual with frustration. I want to poke things with my stick and skin woodland creatures and let my guildmates know that I'm not dead! And I know that I SHOULD hold off a little longer on fixing my computer, I could stand to save the money. I've got it bad, I do. I felt very immersed in the game while I was playing, like I was wandering around a real world. I was exploring and uncovering and seeing all kinds of neat things. I had just gotten started in doing fun things, and then I had my rug yanked out from under me. So yeah, maybe too much immersion isn't a good thing. Posted by: Ducky on May 8, 2005 7:12 AM
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