Motivations: The Bigger PictureBecause standardized scores and effect sizes (based on continuous variables) are less-interpretable than percentages (based on categorical variables), a different way of understanding this data is presented here. The "primary motivation" for each player was inferred from their scores. A respondent was assigned a primary motivation if there was no close secondary motivation (primary * .75 > secondary). 57% of players were assigned a primary motivation based on this criteria. This is a somewhat lax criteria but serves the purpose of providing an easier interpretation of the data. The results from the main components are presented first. Overall, 43% of players did not have a primary motivations using the above-stated criteria. Of those players who did, 20% had Achievement as their primary motivation, 20% had Immersion as their primary motivation, and 17% had the Social component as their primary motivation. The underlying gender and age differences are far more striking when presented using categorical data. The primary subcomponent was inferred from the largest subcomponent score to preserve enough cases to show the data across the 10 subcomponents.
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