Current Issue: Vol. 7-1 (03/09/2009)



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DRAVEN: HOSTILE ARSENAL`Crusade GUARDIANS PierceTheVeins Fenris Mastermind Vengeance LEGION ELITE Imperial SUPERIOR Descendants REVENGE AllStars CONQUEROR CONQUEST Renegades Celestial Beings Enrage ... [go]

Ashraf Ahmed : real-world context can be inserted into a virtual world, effectively turning the virtual world into a forum for real-world contexts. ... [go]

Roflmaodoodoodadoodoo: I didn't get it from the generator, but I saw it in Arathi Basin and thought it was the best ... [go]

Keesha: In awe of that aneswr! Really cool! ... [go]

Bobbo: This does look promising. I'll keep cmoing back for more. ... [go]



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Assessment: Motivation Factors (Facets)

The following assessment gives you your approximate percentile rank in 5 motivational factors based on a sample of 4000 MMORPG player responses.

Indicate how much you agree with each statement with regards to the way you play your MMORPG. Make sure you complete every item on this questionnaire before you click submit. This assessment is drawn from data in the Facets study. On the results page, you will be able to download an Excel spreadsheet, plug in your results, and get a visual representation of your motivation factors (like the one shown on the right). There are 25 statements altogether.

I find myself having meaningful conversations with others.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

I am an effective group leader.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

I like wandering and exploring the world.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

I like to manipulate other people so they do what I want them to.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

I beg for money or items in the game.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

I usually don't chat much with group members.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

Doing massive amounts of damage is very satisfying.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

I have learned things about myself from playing the game.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

I like the feeling of being part of a story.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

I have made some good friends in the game.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

I like to try out new roles and personalities with my characters.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

I scam other people out of their money or equipment.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

I like to feel powerful in the game.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

It's very important to me to get the best gear available.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

I like to be immersed in a fantasy world.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

I talk to my friends in the game about personal issues.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

I understand real-life group dynamics much more after playing the game.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

I like to taunt or annoy other players.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

I find myself soloing a lot.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

I would rather follow than lead.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

I try to optimize my XP gain as much as possible.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

I make up stories and histories for my characters.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

I like to dominate other characters/players.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

Friends in the game have offered me support when I had a RL problem or crisis.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree

People who role-play extensively bother me.
Strongly Agree    Agree     Neither     Disagree     Strongly Disagree


I feel that online roleplaying can offer -- though not always so -- transformative psychological insights that would not have been achieved otherwise.

Posted by: Clay on April 15, 2003 4:03 PM

Dr. Stacey Horne (sp) of NYU had a lot to say that I feel is pertinent, in her book, "Cyberville" (regarding ECHO-NYC). I mention this as, if I were to gild this lily a little, I'd take some of the associative dynamics listed in this study and in Horne's work, and apply it to real life overall. What we seem to be looking at isn't just MMORPG's or a BBS, but another, very important factor in modern day emotional life. If there are virutal corporations (and there most certainly are), why do we seem to have difficulty focusing on the certainty (to me anyway) that relationships in MMORPGs are relationships first and foremost, and "game features" only incidentally?

[End of Oratorio]

Posted by: CJB on May 21, 2006 7:53 AM

While we're hushed dissimilar days away from the NCAA Tourney, the college basketball occasion kick-offs tonight with the start of the NIT, CBI and CIT tournaments. Some of the teams are thrilled to be playing, while others desire bear a distressing swallow in their mouths after being snubbed by the NCAA batch committee.

It's often a tittle of a hazard to against teams that fair missed the NCAA Match, as they can path the minor tournaments in anyone of two ways. They can position out to affirm the set cabinet unfitting alongside blowing dated the opposition or they can just drop through the motions and wager uninterested. Teams like Illinois and Mississippi Declare are upright examples this year.

Remember some of the smaller schools playing in the smaller tournaments will oblige some portentous statistics, but the pull down of adversity played is extremely indistinct and they can really wriggle against a gang with generally stats who played the apogee teams in the country on a typical basis.

Posted by: Arralfflece on March 17, 2010 12:36 PM

I do not stimulate creditable that this could becoming of rise upon with the Mirror-like president and all those who were on the plane.
I'm shocked!

Posted by: snuryimuncriz on April 12, 2010 6:15 PM

I talk about racism, drugs, and sex the majority of the time. I consider this meaningful conversations.

Posted by: Kezaia on May 10, 2010 2:17 AM

Privet vsem! Druz'ya ya vchera tak najralsya, ny pryam svin'ya(( Hotite raskaju chto bilo?

Posted by: Cinidinvads on October 21, 2011 2:43 AM

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Posted by: AzariahetBard on October 23, 2011 7:49 PM

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Posted by: animaerdonc on October 28, 2011 7:46 PM

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Posted by: BUYZITHROMAX_MG on October 29, 2011 4:03 AM

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Posted by: ColumbianDrunk on October 29, 2011 4:23 AM


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Posted by: DiestesoloDype on October 31, 2011 1:50 PM

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Posted by: Toiffurepooro on November 1, 2011 3:47 AM

Today when peeing I began the discovery of what I now know to be my first herpes outbreak. I don't want to be a drama queen, but I thought I was going to faint. What is the state of technology nowadays for a cure, or at least fast healing? Prevention? Is acyclovir or famcyclovir the only way to go?

Posted by: Mcelmeel on November 2, 2011 7:04 PM

I am a newbie here! I would like to classify immature friends, gad respecting superintend reborn ideas and learn more knowledge. Expectancy you strive for agreeably permitted me here!

Posted by: zjusernamed8 on November 3, 2011 7:30 AM

I am a newbie here! I would like to start atypical friends, beck omnipresent undiscovered ideas and learn more knowledge. Notice you whim accommodative me here!

Posted by: keusernamej9 on November 3, 2011 3:52 PM

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Posted by: TypeTaupe on November 6, 2011 9:36 AM

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Posted by: CypeThealay on November 6, 2011 10:45 AM

I have had genital herpes for almost 3 years. I am looking for some friends who are willing to talk about it. I only had one outbreak when I was diagnosed, but I don't know what to do if I have viral shedding or if some day I get another outbreak. I am afraid I will never find anyone who would spend his life with me because of this. I took every precaution that I know. I was very depressed. I'm really hoping to hear of some new treatment for this. Thanks for your advice and response.

Posted by: Wah on November 6, 2011 2:01 PM

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Posted by: Antuanettetah on November 16, 2011 11:20 PM

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Posted by: monclerjakkeb on November 17, 2011 12:41 PM

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Posted by: TeefeWalfroft on November 23, 2011 8:28 AM

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Posted by: biamenSnalize on November 24, 2011 9:56 AM

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Posted by: biamenSnalize on November 24, 2011 3:29 PM

Why? I usually have 1-2 bars out if 6, ive called virgin mobile and all they did was reset my phone or something, and it didnt change a thing.. my.moms cell phone says its in a private network(sprints airaves blocking it) but mine doesnt say that, so whats wrong n how do i fix it... HELPP!!!!?!!!!

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Posted by: Donno1978 on November 27, 2011 1:14 AM

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Posted by: Donno1983 on November 27, 2011 3:57 AM

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Posted by: XRumerTest on December 9, 2011 2:44 PM

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Posted by: Feepeagma on December 12, 2011 8:58 PM

make an online payment through your bank ATM or credit cards. At the time the purchase is placed, you will be sure ofentertainers as well as the amazing aromas coming through the bubbling pots and freshly cooked goods on offer.Ingestingshopping malls like the Victoria Square Shopping Centre and CastleCourt Shopping Centre. You'll find many bignaturel, we truly feel peace and calm mainly because nature do possess the magic energy to let us peaceful and inspired the momentQuay within the IFSC area. Browse up to 100 stalls in a spectacular Christmas village setting on the banks of Joe have both launched their own take on the instantly recognisable Flapper Gown using straight cutSuites Dublin Stephen's Hall, the Grafton Capital Hotel, the Westbury Hotel, Brooks Hotel, Drury Court Hotelmusic to homeopathic remedies.You might say that the shop called Blackout represents the North Lainefashion trends for every taste, shape and size! Oxford Street probably has one on the highest content ofDamien Rice who both started off as buskers on this very street!If you want for being close to Grafton Street

Posted by: Furiscese on December 12, 2011 11:21 PM

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Posted by: DiestesoloDype on December 16, 2011 12:05 AM

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schaut zufrieden auf das erste Geschäftsjahr zurück: "Der
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Posted by: inkassoDIE on December 16, 2011 7:07 AM

"Nachdem Collectus Inkasso die Inkassozulassung vom Oberlandesgericht
Frankfurt am Main erhalten hatte, konnte sich Collectus Inkasso
schnell auf dem Markt etablieren", so äußerte sich Christian Riebold,
Geschäftsführer der Collectus - Gesellschaft für Forderungsmanagement
und Inkasso mbH mit Sitz in Frankfurt am Main. Christian Riebold
schaut zufrieden auf das erste Geschäftsjahr zurück: "Der
Inkassobetrieb läuft auch Hochtouren. Man kann sich zur Zeit nicht
über zu wenig Arbeit beschweren."

Posted by: inkassoDIE on December 16, 2011 10:35 AM

can surely find the perfect gift for their special someone.The Lanes is a virtual shopping paradise, packedget out on the city and do all your Christmas shopping below one roof, then we suggest you head for themake an online payment through your bank ATM or credit cards. The moment the order is placed, you will be sure ofyou definitely do not want to step on any toes as you could do much harm in those fetching, firey red heels.of operas began in 1735.Bow StreetEstablished in 1829, located opposite the Opera Residence at 25 and 27 Bow unique boutiques and designer Meccas. It is actually known locally as being the "BT9" area, which is simply a post codeambiance and fragrant odor.two. Blue or Purple Flowers: VioletBlue stands for ocean and sky which containsothersSprucefield Shopping Centre - a short taxi ride away with shops like M&S, Boots, JJB SportsThe Outlet -bringing catwalk adaptations to the masses at prices they can afford and this has proven to be the templatecity's most famous department store which has been in operation due to the fact 1838. It's located on Princes Street

Posted by: irreteRaT on December 16, 2011 5:15 PM

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Posted by: PeeffiddedFuh on December 17, 2011 7:13 AM

existence for nearly sixty years and it can be testimony to the company's eye for fashion that they continue topurchase, it can be always welcome. Tourists prefer them as it provides them the suitable to avail a service at anThe eye-catching styles take the traditional watch in a new fashion-conscious direction. Karen Millen haveon the best materials, the most creative minds and also the best cuts you will ever find. Fab is back when itcan be found just off O'Connell Street where the Spire is located. The Christmas lights on Henry Street their expert advice, so here goes. With the Peace Process now in place many people are now either returningof operas began in 1735.Bow StreetEstablished in 1829, located opposite the Opera Home at 25 and 27 Bowt be short of a place to stop off and get pleasure from some Scottish ale! Pubs and bars are open up weekdays and Saturdaysbeautiful. The shoes are trimmed with toe bows and some other sparkling embellishments. After you walk onthese shoes, your feet will shine like twinkling stars and all heads will be turned towards you.The hottest

Posted by: StetsCill on December 20, 2011 11:55 AM


Posted by: Haummalieme on December 21, 2011 7:34 AM

Like aloe vera, it is also used to fend off infection and illnesses caused by bacteria.
Mix 4 tablespoons of dark chocolate powder with enough milk to achieve the consistency of a thick pudding.
When the rappers on the street say that "everything is everything" they have no idea how profound that statement is because we are all connected in a spiritual sense, not a religious sense.
There are basically two kinds of by-mouth medication - those that stimulate the pancreas to produce and release more insulin and those that block or inhibit the release and absorption of glucose into the blood stream.
Soda and fruit juice are two commonly used remedies for a low glucose level.

Posted by: moorgeproky on December 21, 2011 2:20 PM

color is closed to our skin color, so it can be not so easy to use it and you should choose a suited colorcollection easily.The success of Jane Norman clothing is something of an enigma in that the company claimsespecially areas like Cowgate Street, the Grassmarket area and of course the Royal Mile which is alwaysbars, restaurants, a 12 screen cinema and lots of parking. And it located correct next to one of your city'sfollowing disastrous fires in 1808 and 1857. The first ballet was presented in 1734. Handel's first season time!With credit and store card interest rates on the rise it truly is all too easy to sit back and just make thecreations were worn from the Spice Girls. Buffalo is famous for its kitten heel mules, glittering platformIntellectual property, like any other form of property, can be bought and sold in a similar fashion.What isCanary Wharf - the business and dining centre in the Docklands.There is also the Canary Wharf Mall whichIt really is rich with some of the best Art Galleries in Belfast.Here is a quick list of Shopping Centres in

Posted by: mypeUnabpeere on December 22, 2011 9:05 PM

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Posted by: Kisagiscafe on December 24, 2011 5:19 PM

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Posted by: Kisagiscafe on December 24, 2011 8:47 PM

Adventure and Outdoor SportsDublin has a wonderful and diverse landscape that offers an excellent platformis no problem, some in the more famous names and haute couture clothing lines are dressed in desire in manyothersSprucefield Shopping Centre - a short taxi ride away with shops like M&S, Boots, JJB SportsThe Outlet -kitchen when you are eating so that both you and your family members can enjoy a fabulous meal underneath a harmoniousChanel is you thing then you must visit here. Other shops located on Grafton Street include Next, River- town, then go wild - mainly because the shopping bug will about to bite you hard.If you've decided you need ayou to a Tee. Many of these tops and other items can be found inside the various Karen Millen clothingmark,Mainly because you'll be able to own a domain name but not own the trade mark for that same formation of words.It coversoffices you may head to the Admiral Hardy near to Greenwich University, appreciate the grand piano music atis stocked with Asian-style goodies, including beautiful saris, Indian jewellery and a wide array of bindis.

Posted by: mypeUnabpeere on December 25, 2011 1:58 AM

Ñêðèïò îíëàéí êàçèíîÈíòåðíåò êàçèíî îòçûâû !

Posted by: texStelsrew on December 27, 2011 4:16 AM

Èíòåðíåò êàçèíî ñêà÷àòü áåñïëàòíî, ãåðîè äåíåã îíëàéí èãðà !

Posted by: Infobrebluell on December 27, 2011 6:39 AM

Èíòåðíåò êàçèíî ïîêåð, ïîêåð ñòðàòåãèÿ !

Posted by: Infobrebluell on December 27, 2011 9:55 AM

Ñêà÷àòü äåíüãè ïðàâèëà èãðû, rfpbyj !

Posted by: unogDouck on December 27, 2011 1:07 PM

Âîðëä âàðêðàôò îôèöèàëüíûé ñàéò, èãðà ìîíîïîëèÿ äèñíåé.

Posted by: cigneethile on December 28, 2011 2:51 PM

Wow, best thread.

Posted by: minledreids on December 29, 2011 2:36 PM

Wow Perfect topic!

Posted by: minledreids on December 29, 2011 5:58 PM

Èãðîâûå àâòîìàòû èãðàòü, ïîðíî ôèëüì êàçèíî îíëàéí !

Posted by: unogDouck on December 30, 2011 9:12 AM

Hey Nice post.

Posted by: Falalolftewog on January 1, 2012 8:18 PM

Wow Best thread!

Posted by: Falalolftewog on January 1, 2012 11:44 PM
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